Image: http://hotelkanhatreasure.com/images/HOTEL_RESRVATION.jpg
Located in Central India, in Satpura range of Madhya Pradesh, Kanha National Park is one of the largest tiger reserves in India. The entire reserve occupies an area of 1945 Sq Km, including the Buffer zone of @ 1005 Sq Kms and Core zone of @ 940 Sq Kms. Wild life enthusiasts and tourist can enjoy in the Core zone.
The wild life:
Kanha has all the elements of the jungle beauty including variety of wild life, dense vegetation, luxurious meadows and clear water streams running across the park. Besides the mighty tigers, Kanha National Park is home to wide range of animals including Deer, Barasingha, Leopards, Bison, Nilgai, wild boars, Jackals, Hyenas, Wild cats & dogs and various species of birds and snakes. It is impossible to return from any safari without spotting one or many of those! The park is specially known for its deer ‘ Barasingha’ population, found only in Kanha, also known as ‘Jewel of Kanha’. Famous writer Rudyard Kipling derived an inspiration for ‘The Jungle Book’ right here in the jungle of Kanha.
Kanha National Park Safari
For safari purpose, Kanha National Park is divided in to 4 areas of Kisli, Kanha, Mukki and Sarhi zones. Kanha zone falls under a premium safari zone with its vast expanse of luxurious meadows.

Image: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fRruj9iMqgM/UDy_hFzrT4I/AAAAAAAABQg/-TxKM4v9imM/s1600/kanha-national-park.jpg
The best way to experience the natural beauty of Kanha National Park is to take either a jeep safari or an elephant safari. Open air jeeps are the best way to cover large areas of the park, where as elephants can take you deep into the dense forest where jeeps cannot go! Safari can be taken in the early morning as well as in the late afternoon. Both these time zones have their advantages.
Early morning safari gives an opportunity to witness the beauty of breaking of the dawn over the lush green vegetation. It is thrilling to cut through the dense fog on a chilly winter morning, when the jungle is covered in white layer of due drops & frost. Late afternoon safari in summer months is a breath taking experience; when the meadows reflect golden hew under the backdrop of a setting sun, giving a yellow glow to the vast expanse of the jungle, spotted with deer. These luxurious meadows are a special feature of Kanha National Park, and provide the most beautiful setting to spot tigers in India. To know details of safari timings click here.
Best time to Visit Kanha National Park
The park is open to visitors from 15th October to 30th June. The best time to visit Kanha National Park is during late November and Late march when the weather is not too cold or hot, and the number of tourists are less as there are no long holidays around that period, like any other National Parks in India.
During early winter months from November till January, migratory birds visit the park, making it a great time for bird watching; whereas during hot months of March to May, the vegetation dries up in the park, making it easier to spot wild animals.
- The safaris should be booked well in advance to avoid disappointment at the later stage. Chances are that one may not get any safari under current booking during heavy tourist seasons.
- Late afternoon safari in a meadow is a must thing to do in Kanha Zone, when these large meadows radiate warm yellow glow, giving it a mystic appearance. And if you happen to spot a tiger around that time, it can be an unforgettable experience for a lifetime!
- Elephant safari should be considered only if the tiger or any wild animal is spotted in a particular area of the park. This is when the Forest Department organizes ‘Tiger Show’ for a closer look at the wild animal.
- Stay at Bagira Log Huts, a property of Madhya Pradesh Tourism Corporation, situated in Kisli, right inside the core zone of the park. Bagira is in the middle of the forest, and animals can be heard and spotted right from the resort balcony. It completes a true wild life experience.
- Do make friends with one of the guides or resort owners and spend an evening of ecstasy around bon fire, listening to their stories of fights between tiger & a bison, a leopard chasing a bison or a leopard stealthily following one of the forest guards on duty!
To know more about Wild Life Viewing tips, please click here.
How to get to Kanha National Park
Jabalpur, Raipur and Nagpur are major cities from where the National Park can be reached either by road, rain or air transport. Jabalpur at a distance of 160kms is the nearest airport from Kanha. One can reach Kanha from Nagpur which is 300 kms, Raipur which is 250 kms or from Bandhavgarh National Park which is 250 kms. It is not advisable to drive from Bandhavgarh to Kanha as the road conditions are very poor. Nearest railway stations are Jabalpur and Gondia, which are connected by train from major cities in India.